Manage all WhatsApp queries from a single chat | Be found via JustPing Business directory | Show your QR code in your shop | Promote your business on WhatsApp | JustPing business dashboard coming soon

Grow your business on WhatsApp

Put your QR code in your shop, on your website and help customers connect to you on WhatsApp Chat | Sell on WhatsApp | Take appointments | Get payments | Run offers | and more... Manage everything right from your WhatsApp. No extra App needed.

Grow your business on WhatsApp
JustPing is your 24x7 WhatsApp business assistant

JustPing is your end-to-end WhatsApp business assistant

Get a WhatsApp QR code for your business

Print it in your shop, on your Website and share on social media

Chat with customers on WhatsApp

Provide instant support for any queries they might have.

Promote your business on WhatsApp

Manage customers using JustPing's in-built marketing and analytics tools.

Grow your business in 3 steps

If you have any other question, send us a query in JustPing widget.

It starts your account on JustPing. You have to do this once. Register as a business.

Your customers can scan this to connect with you. Show in your shop/website.

Manage everything using JustPing widget

Connect to customers now!

Chat, send offers, get appointments, and much more... Click here or scan code →

Connect to customers on WhatsApp.

JustPing Dashboard

Coming soon! Grow your business on WhatsApp.

Client Portal | Internal Tools | Web App Builder | Free Website Builder Made with Softr